Shuffle S.H.R.E.D
On Demand
Rising Novice Level

This course is for YOU if:

you are ABOVE beginner level (AKA you just finished learning the fundamentals and are ITCHING for more)

you want to strengthen the technique of your fundamentals AND work on transitions, variations, and new combos

want to build MASSIVE confidence in your freestyling

I know what you're feeling right now.

You've just learned your fundamentals and are starting to feel good about them...

But you're ITCHING for your next level-up.

You're in that sort-of-awkward phase between beginner and intermediate...

And you are overwhelmed with information, and unsure WHERE TO START or HOW to structure your practice sessions.

What other students are saying

"So grateful to have you in my back pocket. The Shuffle Shred On Demand program is like this constant thing that's always there for me to can rely on. I can just open it up and know I'II find exactly what I need at that moment. 

It takes away the resistance that comes from "what should I do" "I don't know what to work on" "how can I make this better". And it doesn't matter how low 1 feel going in, I ALWAYS feel 1000x better going out. Powerful stuff. THANK YOU."


"The way you drill moves is super helpful and valuable. I have taken classes with people who do it once and then move on. By the time it's over I can't remember what I was supposed to do/what it looked like/ end up searching on YouTube etc. 

I really think the way your classes are structured is fantastic and so so beneficial to learning and actually picking it up!"


"There are honestly no words to describe how much I love Shuffle Shred. I loved that I got to exercise AND dance. You really WORK but its sooo much fun. There is no better way to learn something than drilling, and that's what Shuffle Shred is all about. 

I also love that you get to keep the recordings forever and have rewatched many of them. This program is 100% the reason I've had so much growth in my shuffling and I'm forever grateful for Alex!"


"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

What's included when you enroll

3 months worth of content taught by Alex -- 

sharing everything she has learned about shuffling to simplify your learning experience and break things down like you've never experienced

History of Shuffle Dance + resources to expand your knowledge on its roots

Some classes include shuffling combined with body weight exercises for a HIIT style workout... 

strengthening the EXACT muscle groups you need as a powerful shuffler.

(Workout intensity can be modified to anyone... or just skip the exercise and continue shuffle drills during that portion!)

Cheat Sheet PDF's: 

full written breakdowns of important concepts (for my writing & reading learners!) -- can be saved to your phone to use as quick reminders

 Self-paced course with LIFETIME access to the content and all of it's future updates.

Busy schedule? Work weird hours? Trying to practice between your kids activities?

Go at your OWN PACE through these video modules and pause, rewind, and replay as you need.

Learn new moves and strengthen your technique

Integrate shuffle combos to build muscle memory and control.

Choreography classes that help you get out of your comfort zone, increase muscle memory and stamina.

.... ALL designed to show you how to combine moves differently and inspire you to think outside of the box.

10+"Shuffle Mindset" videos as bonuses to encompass mindset & confidence into shuffling AND your everyday life.

Access to ask Alex questions VIA email or VIA Instagram (@shuffleshred) about any shuffle moves/concepts/exercises that you need more clarification or video feedback on.

Ready for massive level-ups?!
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Sign up here

Contact information

Billing address

1. I agree and acknowledge that I am ultimately responsible for my own growth, transformation and experience associated with Shuffle S.H.R.E.D**.**

2. I agree, that upon payment, the *program does not allow for cancellations or refunds of any kind*. I agree to honor the monetary exchange of the program.

* By clicking "I agree", I am agreeing to committing to this investment in myself and my growth with the help of Shuffle S.H.R.E.D.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($247.00)$247.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (4x $71.00)4x $71.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xShuffle S.H.R.E.D On Demand (RISING NOVICE LEVEL)$0

All prices in USD